
Depression and HIV.

Depression is an illness that is common in people living with HIV. However, it is often a missed diagnosis. Depression usually develops over a few weeks. It is a general feeling of low mood linked with physical symptoms. It is caused by by an imbalance of certain chemical in the brain. If you feel down most of the time, sleep badly at night, do you feel angry or think of even death alot?? Remember it is okay to feel all this, it is okay to be angry, sad. Don't feel all this alone, reach out, seek help and support from anyone you feel will be of help You are important, you are loved and you are strong , so no matter what situation you're going through it will get better with time and with support For now Turus

Random thoughts.

There are days I wish I knew how being HIV negative felt? Nights I wish I could go to bed without having to worry about medications and mornings I wake up having no fear of contracting Tuberculosis because I didn't take my medication. I want to be free, free from daily doses, free from fear of rejection, free from stigma and discrimination because of my status. Yesterday I met Brayo, and damn he looked so fine .... but my conscience wouldn't let me admire him without the thought of being positive crossing my mind . I just want to be loved and to love , with no limitations but well being positive and in a relationship entails alot and sometimes the thought of it is just exhausting and worrying Juzi mama someone called to check up on someone, mimi I am there feeling all sad and jealous because I have no one to call and check up on me because Mr HIV decided to robb me off my mum . Yaani this virus lives in my body and still takes charge at times . Regardless we move, it is what it

Teen Pregnacy.

Good morning world Well yesterday the issue on teenage pregnancies was discussed and the cases released and.... WOW we must agree it is alot and the cases have gone so high Adolescents may not know where to obtain contraception or cannot afford services, yet even when there is easy access, uptake may be constrained by stigma around non-marital sexual activity How do we deal with this issue because it's now almost a crisis... We need our girls to stay in school, we need them to achieve their dreams. We need our boys to be fathers at the right time,we need them to explore their gifts and achieve their goals You tell us how do we address this gap.


The last memory I have is seeing my small sister shake and crawl in fear down our bed.... as my dad and mum exchanged heavy words and sufurias in the sitting room.... ... It broke and tore me but as the big one I had to act all strong and comfort my little ones.I will never forget how this made my little ones act like and feel... Every night this happened, I saw the crippling fear in their eyes.I watched them go to bed empty stomach after my angry drunk father poured all the food outside . There were times I wished I was born in another family Times I felt like death would solve all the pain and bruises I had. I chose not to, I had a life to live. Years down the line I am all grown. The shame I had to endure every single day after a dramatic night, the nights I slept crying, the times I watched my siblings cry themselves to sleep;I have a chance to change all that.... Every single day very many kids go through this. For some it's worse and just the thought of what I went through m


COVID fund is a rapid response fund for three months (May – August) implemented by AYARHEP with financial support of AIDS fond to Scaling Uptake of Accurate Information about COVID - 19 among AYPLHIV. To wh ich of the COVID-19 Response team priorities support for PLHIV, women, young people, children and key populations who suffer increased violence and/or human rights violations due to the COVID-19 crisis. The project explore enhancing innovative solutions focusing on the HIV prevention among vulnerable groups during the COVID19 crisis. Provision of accurate information on COVID-19 to people living with or vulnerable to HIV and Enabling and supporting community solutions and innovations to keep people living with HIV (PLHIV) healthy and continue their access to essential HIV and AIDS services, including life-saving ARVs.

#Stay safe

Hello ,Hoping your all well. With the ongoing Corona cases we just hope that everyone is taking the measures provided by the ministry of health to keep healthy. All in all we shall overcome. So today we are talking about male engagement. Over the years our men have been left behind especially in matters of family planning. We believe that family planning shouldn't involve the women alone but also men should be part and parcel of the conversation. So here's a few things to observe when engaging men in family planning programs TO ENGAGE MEN IN FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAMS 1. Provide a ‘comfort zone’ for discussion. 2. Foster a sense of shared responsibility. 3. Promote couple communication. 4. Create opportunities to redefine inequitable gender norms. 5. Provide models of positive male behavior and positive consequences of engagement. 6. Create male-targeted, positive messaging. 7. Focus on both men and women. 8. Integrate into other programming. 9. Be flexible and adaptable. 10. Use

Women Empowerment

Human rights are entitlements that every human being should enjoy regardless of their economic or social status. In many occasions the rights of people living in the slum community is ignored by duty bearers and government. Due to low levels  of education and little exposure, the slum residents are not able to demand for the rights when they are trampled upon. In this program, we empower individuals to be aware of their fundamental rights through civic education and advocacy. We also network with other human rights organizations to bring the human rights violation into the limelight and provide paralegal support to victims of human rights abuse. Violence against women (VAW) is a fundamental violation of human rights, it amounts to a global health crisis, and it is a serious obstacle to development in sub-Saharan Africa. VAW contributes to other major challenges such as the spread of HIV and AIDS, maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, and increasing levels of poverty as it affec